Industry Associations
Built on the legacy of Mar-Bal’s molding experience, AltraSet is a custom thermoset composite material manufacturer

American Composites Manufacturers Association
Mar-Bal is an active member of The American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA). Based in Washington, D.C., the ACMA, represents more than 850 companies and is the composites industry’s largest trade group in the world. The American composites industry is made up of approximately 3,000 companies and in the U.S. it employs more than 500,000 people in all 50 states generating almost $70 billion in revenues annually. ACMA provides a forum for members of the composites industry to come together to develop shared market opportunities and deal with common challenges. It is recognized as an unmatched source of up-to-date information about the composites industry as well as the premier provider of educational resources relating to the field. ACMA advocates for the interests of the composites community, proactively and positively affecting regulatory and legislative outcomes on a wide range of policy issues, including energy and environment, worker health/safety, trade policy and job creation. ACMA works to develop and expand markets for composite products in the U.S. and around the globe. Note, Steven Balogh – Vice President of Mar-Bal, Inc., served on the Board of Directors for ACMA from 2011-2014 and Ron Poff, Director of Global Marketing and Brands of Mar-Bal, Inc., serves on the Marketing Committee for ACMA.
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
Mar-Bal is a Supply Member of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. AHAM is the trade association of the home appliance manufacturing industry with offices in the United States and Canada. Its members include the manufacturers of “major,” “portable,” and “floor care” home appliances and the companies who supply and service these manufacturers. AHAM members market products in both the U.S. and Canada.
Major home appliances include refrigerators, refrigerator/freezers, freezers, dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, trash compactors, microwave ovens, room air conditioners, portable air conditioners and dehumidifiers. Portable home appliances include kitchen electrics such as toasters, toaster ovens, blenders, mixers, electric knives, juicers, slow cookers, rice cookers and bread makers. Also included are personal care products such as hair dryers and curlers, electric shavers and trimmers. Portables also includes air treatment products such as room air cleaners and humidifiers as well as portable fans and heaters. Floor care appliances include portable and central vacuum cleaners, carpet and carpet and floor extractors. AHAM Suppliers include businesses that supply parts, materials and services to home appliance manufacturers.
The home appliance industry is global as is AHAM’s membership. In the United States and Canada, the home appliance industry is a multi-billion-dollar component of the national economies, helping to define lifestyles. AHAM membership requires a home appliance manufacturer to market its products and maintain a legal presence in the United States or Canada.

Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation
In April of 2016, Mar-Bal joined The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI). IACMI, is committed to delivering a public-private partnership to increase domestic production capacity, grow manufacturing and create jobs across the US composite industry. IACMI’s collaboration of industry, research institutions and state partners is committed to accelerating development and adoption of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies for low-cost, energy-efficient manufacturing of advanced polymer composites for vehicles, wind turbines, and compressed gas storage. IACMI’s research, development, and demonstration programs will be driven by major industry participation with a focus on reducing technical risk and developing a robust supply chain to support a growing advanced composites industry. Encouragement and development of small- and medium-enterprise industry participants and long term sustainability are key objectives of the Institute. IACMI is the fifth Institute in the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation, supported by the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office.
National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
In March 2016, Mar-Bal joined the National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association. The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) is the association of electrical equipment and medical imaging manufacturers, founded in 1926 and headquartered in Rosslyn, Virginia. Nearly 400 members strong, its companies manufacture a diverse set of products including power transmission and distribution equipment, lighting systems, factory automation and control systems, and medical diagnostic imaging systems. Total U.S. shipments for electroindustry products exceed $100 billion annually. NEMA provides a forum for the development of technical standards that are in the best interests of the industry and users, advocacy of industry policies on legislative and regulatory matters, and collection, analysis, and dissemination of industry data. In addition to its headquarters in Rosslyn, Virginia, NEMA also has offices in Beijing and Mexico City.

The Ohio Manufacturer’s Association
Mar-Bal is a member of The Ohio Manufacturer’s Association. To improve business conditions in Ohio and drive down the cost of doing business for Ohio manufacturers, the Ohio Manufacturer’s (OMA) works directly with elected officials, regulatory agencies, the judiciary and media. For more than 100 years, the OMA has helped Ohio’s manufacturers succeed and grow. Today, they are supporting the evolution of modern manufacturing as Ohio companies adapt to global competition by creating and applying innovative technologies. Scott Balogh – President and Chief Executive Officer of Mar-Bal, Inc., currently serves on the Board of Directors for The OMA.
Society of Plastics Engineers
The Society of Plastics Engineers is home to nearly 20,000 plastics professionals in more than 70 countries around the world. SPE is the “go to” resource for plastics technical information. The Society of Plastic’s Engineering (SPE) Thermoset Division is dedicated to promoting scientific and engineering knowledge relating to thermosetting materials and processing techniques. Transportation, energy and electrical infrastructure interests are demanding the core strengths of thermosetting materials and the high quality components our processors yield. Thermosets are heat and corrosion resistant, lightweight structural dielectrics that provide design freedom and proven value generation. Mar-Bal is an active sponsor and supporter of the SPE Thermoset Division. Ron Poff, Director of Global Marketing and Brands of Mar-Bal, Inc., also serves as a member on the Board of Directors for the SPE Thermoset Division. Mar-Bal is also a sponsor of the Cleveland Division of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE).The Transformer Association
The Transformer Association is a manufacturing trade association whose corporate members include transformer and power supply manufacturers, their suppliers, safety agencies and consultants. Its focus is to strengthen the transformer industry in North America. Association meetings, surveys and strategic alliances are designed to provide information about management, compliance and technical trends relevant to the industry. Mar-Bal has been a member of The Transformer Association since 2013. Scott Balogh – President and Chief Executive Officer of Mar-Bal, Inc., currently serves on the Board of Directors for The OMA.